The manuscript of the Laboratory of Microphysiological Systems team has been accepted for publication
Our results show that the design of shRNA affects its processing by RNase-III Dicer and can result in the generation of undesirable 5'-isoforms of miRNA/siRNA encoded within the shRNA. This effect is especially significant for miRNA/siRNA longer than 19 nt.

Members of International Laboratory of Microphysiological Systems published a new article in "Frontiers on Molecular Biosciences" journal
Article describes mechanisms the CD44 alternative splicing

Laboratory researchers presented a report at the conference "Science-intensive Laboratory Technologies for Clinical Practice".
20 марта 2023 г. в рамках конференции «Наукоемкие лабораторные технологии для клинической практики» на секции, посвященной опухолевым маркерам сотрудница Международной лаборатории микрофизиологических систем Мария Янова выступила с докладом «Маркеры эффективности химиотерапии с использованием гемцитабина у больных раком мочевого пузыря».
The role of ELOVL5 and IGFBP6 genes in modulating the sensitivity of breast cancer cells to ferroptosis
Researchers from the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology at the Higher School of Economics conducted a joint study with colleagues from National Medical Research Radiological Centre of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Center for Digital Biodesign and Personalized Health Care (Sechenov University) and Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences, dedicated to the study of the link between low expression of the IGFBP6, ELOVL5 genes and lipid metabolism in breast cancer cells. The results of the study will be published in the journal Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences.
The International Laboratory of Microphysiological Systems Held an Online Сonference With International Participation
The International Laboratory of Microphysiological Systems held an online conference with international participation: 'Bioinformatics and biomedicine' on October 19, 2022 and 'Tumor metastasis: mechanisms, key stages, modeling research' on November 25, 2022
CD24 Expression Level as a Prognostic Marker of Survival in Colorectal Cancer
Researchers of the International Laboratory of Microphysiological Systems of the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology (HSE University), in collaboration with the Laboratory of Molecular Physiology of the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology (HSE University), as well as German colleagues from the Institute of Anatomy and Experimental Morphology (Hamburg) and the Institute of Pathology (Göttingen), found an association between low expression of the CD24 protein in patients with colorectal cancer and a decrease in patient survival rate.
The Article «Specificity of Viscumin Revised. As Probed with a Printed Glycan Array» Accepted to Biochimie Journal
An article by the staff of the International Laboratory of Microphysiological Systems and collaborators from the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences 'Specificity of viscumin revised. As probed with a printed glycan array' accepted for publishing in Biochimie journal.
Seminar: gene overexpressionSeminar
On June 24, 2022, the International Laboratory of Microphysiological Systems hosted a joint seminar with the Laboratory for Research on the Molecular Mechanisms of Longevity, dedicated to the issue of miRNA overexpression in human cells, a process that leads to an excess amount of transcript produced by the genome.

HSE University Launches Third Mirror Laboratories Competition
The competition is open to HSE University research units planning to conduct joint projects with academic institutions, research organisations and state academic centres of the Russian Federation. Applications are open until May 20, 2022.

HSE University to Establish Four New International Labs
Two international laboratories will be created at the HSE University Institute of Electronics and Mathematics, one at the Faculty of Geography and Geoinformation Technology, and one at the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology. The four projects were selected from a total of 17 applications.