Laboratory researchers presented a report at the conference "Science-intensive Laboratory Technologies for Clinical Practice".
20 марта 2023 г. в рамках конференции «Наукоемкие лабораторные технологии для клинической практики» на секции, посвященной опухолевым маркерам сотрудница Международной лаборатории микрофизиологических систем Мария Янова выступила с докладом «Маркеры эффективности химиотерапии с использованием гемцитабина у больных раком мочевого пузыря».
In her report, she spoke about the importance of studying the expression of ENT1, ENT2 channels and dCK and CDA enzymes in tumor cells, as it may be a prognostic marker of the course of the disease in patients treated with gemcitabine for pancreatic, gallbladder, lung, and other cancers.
M.R. Yanova presented the results of a study in which she analyzed the prognostic significance of determining the level of gemcitabine monophosphate (dFdCMP) as well as the expression of markers ENT1, ENT2, dCK and CDA in the tumor to predict the effectiveness of gemcitabine chemotherapy in bladder cancer patients.
The results of the study showed that low expression of ENT1 and low levels of dFdCMP were associated with reduced time to progression. Expression of ENT1, ENT2, dCK, and CDA markers and dFdCMP levels did not correlate with time to metastasis and overall survival rates in bladder cancer patients.
The authors concluded that dFdCMP level and ENT1 expression in the tumor could predict the efficacy of gemcitabine chemotherapy in bladder cancer patients.