The staff of the lab, M. Shkurnikov and A. Fatkulin, took part in the XXIV scientific and practical conference with international participation “Innovative trends, scientific achievements and factors of sustainable development of food systems”
The conference was held on December 4-5, 2024 in the FGBNU “FSC food systems named after V.M. Gorbatov” RAS
M. Shkurnikov presented a report on the genome structure of two new lactophages. His research aroused considerable interest among the conference participants, as lactophages play an important role in biotechnological processes and can contribute to the improvement of food systems.
A. Fatkulin made a presentation on the prospects of using machine learning in determining the tropicity of C2 phages to lactobacilli. His work opens up new horizons in the use of artificial intelligence to analyze and predict the interactions of microorganisms, which can lead to more effective management of food systems.
The conference participants showed great interest in the presented reports, and an active discussion and exchange of views took place, including valuable feedback and suggestions for further research, which will certainly contribute to the new discoveries in the field of food systems.